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Title IX

Saint Paul College is committed to providing a learning environment free from violence, harassment, and discrimination.

Title IX is a federal law that prohibits harassment and discrimination based on gender. Commonly, this means the school must take steps to create a safe environment, prevent sexual/relationship/stalking violence, and support students experiencing pregnancy and childbirth. It also mandates that a school appoint a Title IX Coordinator to help students navigate the Title IX processes and systems.

Saint Paul College’s Title IX Coordinator is Mike Gerold (, the Director of Student Rights and Responsibilities.

If you have any questions or concerns about Title IX services at Saint Paul College, please contact the Title IX Coordinator or the Title IX Office at 651.846.1327 or You can submit an online report or an anonymous online report at

Photo of student in classroom.


In this section, we’ll discuss the different kinds of violence and harassment that fall under Title IX federal regulation.

Warning: The following pages contain definitions that can be triggering or hard to read. Feel free to skip this section altogether or come back at a later time.

Many advocates tend to use the term “victim” when referring to someone who has recently been affected by sexual violence; when discussing a particular crime; or when referring to aspects of the criminal justice system. “Survivor” is often used to refer to someone who is further along in their healing journey, or when discussing the short- or long-term effects of sexual violence. Some people identify as a victim, while others prefer the term survivor. You can choose whatever term feels right to you.

Affirmative Consent
Consent means giving and receiving permission to participate in a sexual activity. Before being sexual with someone, you need to know if they want to be sexual with you too. Ideally, consent is a clear “yes” spoken out loud.

Consent must be continuously given. Consenting to one type of activity does not mean that your partner has consented to other activities. Everyone has the right to stop sexual activity at any time and for any reason. Consent is about making sure that everyone who is a part of the activity is excited, engaged, and able to say “yes” or “no,” every single time.

No one should feel pressured, manipulated, or threatened to say “yes.” Someone who is mentally or physically incapacitated or impaired because they are sleeping, unconscious, or under the influence of drugs or alcohol is not able to give consent. Additionally, someone might be unable to give consent because of their age or their mental capacity. For more information about consent and Minnesota law visit the Rape and Incest National Network (RAINN):

Sexual Violence
Without consent, any sexual activity (including oral sex, genital touching, and vaginal or anal penetration) is sexual violence.

Sexual violence includes sexual assault, rape, or any other sexual behavior that happens because one person forces, coerces, manipulates or intimidates the other person.

Sexual violence can be perpetrated by strangers, acquaintances, family members, spouses, or dating partners. It includes being touched by someone else or being forced or coerced to touch someone else. Sexual violence can also happen when someone is not able to give consent because they are too young or incapacitated.

Sexual violence includes but is not limited to:

  • Sexual abuse of power: when someone like a coach, teacher, or religious leader uses their position of authority to force, coerce, or manipulate someone into sexual activity,
  • Intimate partner sexual violence: when a spouse or partner uses sexual violence,
  • Child sexual abuse,
  • Incest or sexual abuse of family members,
  • Reproductive coercion and safer-sex sabotage: when one partner controls or interferes with decision-making related to reproductive and sexual health. This includes damaging birth control, pressuring someone to have unprotected sex, or removing a condom without consent (sometimes called “stealthing”),
  • Sex trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation: when someone requires the other person to trade sex for money, food, a place to stay, or drugs or forces them to participate in pornography or stripping, and
  • Non-consensual explicit images: when someone takes or releases explicit photos or videos without permission, sometimes called “revenge porn.”

For more information about sexual violence visit RAINN:

Relationship or Domestic Violence
Relationship violence – also known as domestic violence or dating violence – is a pattern of behavior that is used by a current or former intimate partner to gain and maintain power and control over the other partner. It can happen when people are married, living together, dating, or after the relationship has ended.

Relationship violence can happen to people that have gone on a single date, just started dating, or have been together for years.

Relationship violence may include the use of physical violence, sexual violence, threats and intimidation, isolation, emotional abuse, spiritual and cultural abuse, economic deprivation, and financial abuse. Someone can seek help no matter what type or types of abuse they have experienced.

For more information about relationship violence visit the National Domestic Violence Hotline:

Stalking is behavior that is directed at someone that is unwanted, unwelcome, or unreciprocated that causes them fear or substantial emotional distress.

Stalking includes behaviors like following someone, tracking someone, sending unwanted gifts or messages, making unwanted calls, damaging property, monitoring phone and technology use, or posting information or spreading rumors about someone.

For more information about stalking visit RAINN:

Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment is unwanted and unwelcome sexual behavior that interferes with someone’s right to feel comfortable at school or work. It can include comments, notes, messages, gestures, or physical contact. It makes the learning or working environment hostile and uncomfortable. This includes repeatedly asking someone on a date, especially if they have already said “no.”

One specific type of harassment is known as “quid pro quo” when someone with authority trades or tries to trade sexual contact for something the other person wants like a good grade or preferential treatment.

For more information about stalking visit RAINN:


In the case of pregnancy or experiencing sexual/domestic/stalking violence, you can submit a report at You can also connect with these individuals/offices on campus:

Dean of Student Success: Pepe Wonosikou
651.403.4007 – Administration Office –

Director of Student Rights and Responsibilities & Title IX Coordinator: Mike Gerold
651.846.1327 – Administration Office –

Department of Public Safety
651.846.1322 –

Confidential Resources
If you could like to talk to a confidential person on campus, you can reach out to someone from the Mental Health Team:

Mental Health Director: Merrie Haskins
651.350.3035 – Mental Health Office –

Mental Health Therapist: Pam Norling
651.350.3037 – Mental Health Office –

Counselor: Lisa Hanes-Goodlander
651.846.1383 – Mental Health Office –

Advocacy Services Saint Paul College provides on-campus survivor support services in partnership with SOS Sexual Violence Services (651-266-1000) and Saint Paul and Ramsey County Domestic Violence Intervention Project (SPIP) (651.645.2824). Reach out to SOS or SPIP to learn more about their services and schedule.


(The full procedures can be found along with the policy at

In this section we’ll look at a simpler, clearer breakdown of the process after reporting sexual/domestic/stalking violence. If the person who reportedly caused harm is not a student or employee there will not be an investigation, but the college will provide safety and supportive measures.

The College has two main ways to address sexual harassment, sexual violence, relationship violence, or stalking when the person who caused harm is a student or employee. The Director of Student Rights and Responsibilities will first meet with the student to discuss the situation, develop appropriate safety and supportive measures. The Director will also evaluate if the report is a conduct code violation or a Title IX violation, explain the student’s options and the next steps. If it is a Title IX violation the Director will share information about the Title IX formal and informal resolution processes. The Director will continue to meet with the student throughout the process.

Conduct Process
If the Director determines that the situations falls under the Student Code of Conduct process, found here: Student Code of Conduct Policy Essentially, the Director of Student Rights and Responsibilities (or another administrator designated by the Director) will investigate the situation, hearing from all parties. They will then make a decision on the case. If either party is unhappy with the outcome, there is an appeals process to have someone else hear the case.

Title IX Process
If the Director determines that the situation fits under the 1B.3 Title IX policies, the reporting student can choose either the Informal or the Formal process.

Informal Process: If both people involved agree there can be an informal agreement. This is only appropriate when the person who caused harm has taken responsibility for the harm they caused. Some possible outcomes for informal resolution include the person who caused harm agreeing to a no contact order, making an apology, or receiving education or training to prevent them from causing future harm. Either person can decide that they want to change to a formal resolution at any time.

Formal Process: If informal resolution is not appropriate or desired, there may be a formal resolution process. Both people must have an advisor to be their representative throughout the process. Each person can select their own advisor or ask that the college assign them an advisor. In the formal resolution process, there are three major steps: investigation, hearing, and decision making.

  1. Investigation: The college will assign or hire a trained investigator who collects evidence and interviews witnesses. The investigator will collect evidence which will be presented at the hearing. Before the hearing both people and their advisors will have a chance to review the report and make comments or corrections.
  2. Hearing: There are three main groups involved in the hearing:
    1. Hearing officials, including the Director who facilitates the hearing and the Decision Maker.
    2. Person who experienced harmed and their advisor.
    3. Person who reportedly caused harm and their advisor.
  3. Decision Making: The Decision Maker determines whether the evidence shows that a conduct violation occurred. Based on that determination, the decision maker selects sanctions for the person who caused harm, guided by policy and regulations.

If you are not satisfied with the way the College handled your case or the outcome of the formal process, you can appeal the decision. The appeal process will be listed in the decision outcome; otherwise, you can find it in the policies of the College (link at the start of this section).

You can also file a complaint with the US Department of Education for Civil Rights (OCR). You can find more information at


In this section we’ll examine the how support for pregnancy and childbirth happens and what it could look like.

Getting Access to Pregnancy/Childbirth Support
The easiest way to get support if you are pregnant or giving birth is to connect with the Title IX Coordinator as soon as possible (the earlier you can reach out for support, the easier it is to support you!) You can also talk to your teacher(s), advisor, or really any faculty/staff member at the college – they should be able to point you to the Title IX Office.

In order to get support through the Title IX Office for pregnancy or childbirth, you will need to provide documentation from your doctor. You can save time by having this ready before your first conversation with the Title IX Coordinator – the first note can really just have your due date and any known complications or things that might affect your schoolwork.

What Support for Pregnancy/Childbirth Can Look Like
Support can look different for different students – each student has their own situation. Supports cannot change the fundamental aspects of an assignment (adjusting objectives or learning outcomes), and cannot change state- or board-mandated requirements (a common one being hours for clinical courses). Here are some common supports available:

  • Excused absences
  • Extra time on tests or extensions on assignments
  • Flexible due dates
  • Access to larger desks or seating
  • Allowance to sit, stand, etc.
  • Switching into online/asynchronous courses (when available)

Best Practices to Promote Success During Pregnancy or Post-Delivery
School is already stressful; going to school while managing such a life-altering event as pregnancy or recovery is even moreso! Here are some things that tend to promote success in classes while pregnant:

  • If possible, connect with the Title IX Office and your faculty before delivery. It’s easier to plan ahead than it is to go back and try catch-up.
  • Communicate, communicate, communicate! Seriously, the more you can keep in touch with your faculty and the Title IX Office, the better.
  • See if you can work ahead on assignments/readings if your due date is upcoming.
  • If possible, set up supports ahead of time – help with childcare after a few weeks, a plan if you can return to classes in a week or two (and a plan if you can’t!), connect with mental health professionals at the College or outside of the College, learn how to set up meetings with tutors/academic support staff, etc.
  • Consider your class load and/or the form of classes for the semester of delivery. Courses with clinicals or state-mandated hours are extremely difficult to make up (and sometimes impossible!). Online, asynchronous courses are easy to work with while recovering, but not everyone does well with that style of class. Knowing how you learn best, and considering how much capacity you’ll have during recovery, is key!
  • Remember that circumstances change as pregnancy goes on. If the plan as laid out originally isn’t working, follow up with the Title IX Office to discuss adjustments.

If you are pregnant and need supports/resources, please contact the Title IX Office as soon as possible:

Title IX Coordinator, Mike Gerold:
Office 1429, 651.846.1327,


In this section are some resources for Faculty and Staff to review.

For supporting survivors of sexual/domestic/stalking/harassment violence, check out the Anti-Violence page: The information under “Supporting a Survivor” and “Resources for Faculty/Staff” are especially helpful.

For supporting students who are pregnant, please refer them to the Title IX Office right away. Getting a plan together earlier typically leads to better outcomes. You can make a referral by contacting the Title IX Coordinator or with the online Pregnant Student Referral Form.

Title IX Coordinator, Mike Gerold:
Office 1429, 651.846.1327,

If you have further questions, please either contact Mike Gerold above or refer to the Getting Started – Title IX Faculty Version document provided to faculty and Deans at the start of the year.


In this section there are important links to be aware of if you or someone you know has experienced sexual violence, relationship violence, stalking, or sexual harassment.

Submit a report
To submit a report of sexual violence, relationship violence, stalking, or sexual harassment, find the link here:

Outside Advocacy
Saint Paul College partners with local advocacy organizations to provide support to survivors of sexual violence, relationships violence, or stalking. Advocates are confidential, and available to talk, safety plan and offer resources 24 hours a day. If you have experienced any of these and would like to contact an advocate for support, please click one of the links below:


The Sexual Violence Policy and Procedures can be found here: Saint Paul College also complies with the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities (Minnesota State) System Policy 1B.3. Sexual Violence Policy and Sexual Violence Procedure 1B.3.1.


By federal law, schools must make available the trainings undergone by the Title IX Officer of the institution as well as all Title IX Investigators and Decision Makers. Here are the training materials for the current Title IX Coordinator, Investigators, and Decision Makers.

Trainings Completed by Title IX Coordinator

Trainings Completed by Investigators and Decision Makers


By federal law, all students must complete a Sexual Violence Prevention Training within their first semester. All students are enrolled automatically by the start of the semester, and the training is located in your D2L. For information on how to access and navigate the training, please refer to the Sexual Violence Prevention Training D2L Introduction document.

If the training is not completed within the first 2 weeks of the semester, a registration will be placed on your account. If you have a hold on your account and complete the training, the hold should be removed within 24-48 hours. However, if it has not been within that time period, please contact the Title IX Coordinator, Mike Gerold, at or 651.846.1327.

If you are a survivor of sexual or relationship violence, stalking, or sexual harassment and feel unable to complete the Sexual Violence Prevention Training please feel free to reach out to the Title IX Coordinator, Mike Gerold, at 651.846.1327 or to receive appropriate information in an alternate format.

Lactation Room

The lactation room is designed to be used infant feeding, nursing, breastfeeding, chestfeeding, or pumping. It is a comfortable, private space with a sink, microwave, cozy chair, refrigerator, and electrical source. Participants will have badge access to the lactation room throughout the semester. A new agreement must be completed each semester to maintain access—contact Title IX at 651.846.1327 or with questions.

Participant Responsibilities
Saint Paul College is committed to ensuring that the lactation room remains clean and secure. We ask that you help us achieve this by being respectful of the space and the other participants who use it.

Participants agree to:

  • Use the room for infant feeding or lactation purposes only.
  • Respect the privacy of other lactation room participants.
  • Not allow other individuals access to the lactation room at any time.
  • Secure the room during and after each use.
  • Not leave any personal items or equipment in the lactation room.
  • Clean up any spills or other untidiness created during use of the room.
  • Not leave any stored milk in the refrigerator overnight. Any milk left overnight may be discarded.
  • Provide all supplies I will need such as a pump, accessories, storage containers, ice packs, cooler, etc.
  • Complete a new agreement each semester and understand that badge access to the lactation room will be revoked if I do not do so.
  • Notify Title IX if I no longer need to use the room, if my schedule changes, or if I have questions at 651.846.1327 or
  • Contact Public Safety for maintenance or security concerns at 651.846.1322 or

You must complete a new agreement each semester to avoid scheduling conflicts. If you are having trouble finding time to use the lactation room due to scheduling or course conflicts. Students should reach out to the Title IX Office at to discuss accommodations and employees should reach out to the Human Resources Department at

College Responsibilities
Saint Paul College is committed to ensuring the lactation room remains clean and secure. We will take the actions below to ensure equitable access to the space. The College will:

  • Ensure that the lactation room is clean, tidy, and secure.
  • Provide a sink, a microwave, a cozy chair, a refrigerator, and an electrical source.
  • Provide dish soap, antibacterial wipes, and paper towels.
  • Provide each participant with a clear storage bin and lock to secure expressed milk until the end of the day.
  • Not be responsible for securing personal items left in the room against theft or use by others.
  • Possibly remove and dispose of any items left in the refrigerator overnight.
  • Respond to any safety and maintenance concerns on time.
  • Connect participants with the Title IX office to discuss accommodations for lactating students who are having trouble finding time to use the lactation room due to course scheduling constraints.

Complete a Participant Agreement
If you need to access the lactation room, please complete the appropriate form below or contact the Ttile IX office for more information.